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A little bit of what vendors have had to say:

 “I really enjoyed the space I had this year. It was the same as the last few years and it REALLY works out well for my ceramics. I am VERY much looking forward to the spring show….”


“Thank you to you and all of your helpers for the WONDERFUL job you do with so many vendors!!!”


“Not sure who sent those girls over to help me pack up yesterday but I could kiss them. What would have taken me 1-1/2 hours took 45 min. Thank you for another great show! All your hard work is appreciated. See you next year. Thanks again”


“Thank you very much for opening up more spaces so I could attend your fall craft show. Everyone was very nice and helpful (organizers and students), which made it a great day. Oh and it was the best show I've done in a year! And I was very impressed with the number of people who attended!”


“Thank you so much for including me this year. My sales were fantastic and I would love to return next year. Please consider me when you make your waiting list. Just a reminder, I make and sell sparkle mittens.”


“Many thanks again for putting on another great great show. It was a lot of fun and a lot of work.”


“Thank you! I had a great show and loved my spot, would like that one again next year. thank you for all your hard work I know alot of time goes into the show prep.”


“This was a wonderful experience for me....and I was so exhausted when I finally made it home. Thanks for all that you do to make this Fair the best ever.”

“Wow!! That's fantastic Becky!!! Thank you for another great year!! See you next spring !!!!”

“Thanks for the opportunity to participate in this show we love it!!”


“I was just coming out here to send a big thank you to you. I do about 5 craft sales in the fall. Yours always seems to be the best. Some people look just for the money. I look around, volunteers, signage, vendors, customers, and happiness. If everything comes together, the money will be there one way or another. This year, I had a blast. I have made money elsewhere, but I had the best time ever so far at this last sale. I was laughing, people around me were laughing, I just had a great, great time. I don't know what you could do to improve this. You are thanking the vendors when you and the volunteers were the ones who put this all together. I agree....WOW. I was short handed this year, my big helper is off to college. But, I managed. My oldest son came to see how I was doing, it took him 15-20 minutes to get thru the crowd. I have to applaud you in all aspects......great signage......many many kids to help setup or pack up. The kids came around and asked if we needed something, food, drink, and even watch our stalls if we had to leave for the bathroom. When I had questions, you responded in a very timely manner. I just have to say an awesome job. Please pass along many thanks to all the volunteers and the kids who helped out. It great to see this happen, people coming together, hard work, and hopefully we all see the reward.”


“ I can assure you that the show was very profitable for me also. The word is out that you and RHS Choir Department put on a great show and have great vendors also.”


“I did have a good day - best day in my 'craft fair career'!"


“Looking forward to the spring show!”


“Thank you for another great craft sale, I did really good.”


“Great Traffic today in Rosemount - and ALL of the young ladies of the choirs that I dealt with were just lovely!”


“I've wanted to tell you this for several years now - I've been doing the Rosemount High School Craft Show since 2007 - it is one of the best craft shows I do - so organized - attention to detail - excellent communication with vendors - so well run every year! And, I give you the credit for that! You do an awesome job! I am honored to be a part of it for the last 6 years! I, too, am excited for Saturday! And, look forward to seeing you again!”


“ The RHS Craft Shows, are craft shows I would highly recommend to anyone looking for a great show. I have been to several of the craft shows, both Spring and Fall, and found them well organized and with lots of traffic. Students and parents help to unload and load, making it very easy to attend this show without much hard work at all. Great environment and many customers, couldn't ask for more!”


“One of the best organized show we have done. It was great pleasure taking part as vendor at RHS Craft Show. Checks were already mailed for both the coming shows.”


“Thank you for all the help.” “Wonderful show... You did great work....”


“I always consider a show a success if I have to go to the liquor store after it's over; and I had to yesterday. Thanks for putting on a great show.” Tipsy Spreads


“…we both said, “what Wonderful students” you had there to help us haul our things in and out. They were so polite and eager to help!!!! Thanks for a great sale, I was happy with the amount of people that came.”

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